Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Ch.5 part 3 - Ch.6

In the beginning of this part they are all talking about what has happened so far, and about just being afraid. Eleanor is paranoid about everything now and is worried about what she says, and everything she does. Even the little things worry her like when she says something wrong, and wonders if she made a fool out of herself. Then they go to bed. Eleanor and Theodora are in the same room now and are holding each others hands very tightly while they are going to sleep (just so they know each other are there). Then it becomes very dark even though she thought she left the light on, and she gets a chill of the cold air like from before. Then she starts to hear a low voice mumbling, but it is too low to understand. Then she started hearing a little laugh every once and a while. She tries to speak, but cannot because she is frozen. Then she hears the sound of a child sobbing saying "go away, please don't hurt me". When she hears that it drives Eleanor crazy, she doesn't want any child to be hurt and she wants it to stop so she yells "STOP IT". Then she gets up and the lights are on just as they left them and Theodora is sitting up in her bed startled, and then Eleanor wonders whose hand she was holding the whole time?!?

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